Lisa Landman’s Blog

Coping with the Loss of a Furry Family Member
We all love our pets dearly and to many of us, they are another family member to cherish. For many of us, a pet is not just a dog or a cat, but rather a loving family member. Coping with the loss of a furry family member can be difficult, so here are a few ways to...

Housetraining Tips Part Two: Dogs
Dogs bring a great deal of joy and happiness to life. Everything that is worth having takes some effort, and that is the case with having a dog. Housetraining takes time and effort, but if it is done correctly, you will have a dog that is a pleasure to have as a...

Housetraining Tips Part One: Cats
Most cats are very easy to housetrain. Kittens will most often observe their mother using the litter box that is in the home. The kittens catch on very quickly, and they will start to use the litter box without any training. However, this isn't always the case. If you...

5 Tips for Owning a Big Dog in a Small Apartment
Living with a big dog like a Great Dane, English Mastiff or Cane Corso presents challenges for owners and their families. Larger dogs are typically more difficult to handle and require additional nutrition than their smaller counterparts. Furthermore, space is a...

May is National Pet Month!
May is National Pet Month! Celebrate your pet with one of these four national pet month ideas! Support Pet Adoption If you do not have a pet to celebrate national pet month with, then it’s the perfect time to bring home a furry family member from your local...

Tips on Traveling With Pets
Since most pet owners view their furry companions as family members, it only makes sense to bring them on vacation. A survey conducted by PetRelocation found that more than half of all pet owners were planning to take their pet on a summer vacation. While most pets...

Best Dog Breeds for Your Family and Kids
If you want to welcome a dog into your family, it’s necessary to consider what breed of dog will work best for your household. While it all depends on your family’s lifestyle, generally a dog breed that is friendly, trainable, and has a gentle demeanor works well for...

How to Introduce a New Pet to Your Home
Bringing a new pet home is a very exciting time! You are most likely thrilled and ready to welcome a furry member to your family. While you may be delighted to bring a pet home finally, it’s important to remember that your new family member is going to need time to...

Olympics Bring Awareness to Asian Dog Farms
While the 2018 Winter Olympics have come to a close, American skier Gus Kenworthy has recently shed light on dog farms in South Korea. During his time in South Korea, Kenworthy visited one of the 17,000 dog farms in the country. The Humane Society International (HSI)...

10 Facts That Will Make You Adopt Your Next Pet
Each year, there are thousands of documented animal cruelty cases and many more that go unreported. I am a strong advocate of animal adoption because no animal should be treated poorly. Here are ten facts that will make you adopt your next pet because all animals...